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Re: Kleine Hänger für Männer

geschrieben von Pelican am 12.10.2016 um 11:15:50 - als Antwort auf: Re: Kleine Hänger für Männer von NiMan
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 Why do you only wear those nice "long" earrings at home ?
I have both ears pierced and wear different types : studs, earrings, and dangling earrings. Even at work.
In the beginning some were surprised, had some good and less comments, but now it is accepted.

I don't have the guts to wear them the whole day. Maybe I'll forget them one time and go out so and if nobody notices I'll wear them more often. Normaly I wear only small studs.

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Ohrlochforum (aktuell) Archiv: Übersicht Archiv: Suche
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